Friday, October 16, 2020

Short Film vs. Feature Length Film

 In this blog, I will be comparing and contrasting the very great 9 short film and the 9 featured film! The short film and the feature film have lots of stuff in common and also things not in common. The biggest thing they have in common is the characters, 5 and 9. But in the feature film, we were able to see more characters. Both had characters that had major developments. The short film had no dialogue which left a very open field for people to make a story to match the actions. But the actions in the movie in my opinion spoke more than any dialogue could. I feel like for a short film it was well put together and it was very easy to understand for not having any dialogue. In the feature film, there was dialogue, this added to the story. Since the feature was much longer there was more space for dialog and actions. The speech added more emotion and allowed viewers to get more attached by having us hang on every last word of the dying characters. I believe that the feature film accomplished making the story completely make sense telling how they got to that point and why. Although the short film was very well put together there were spaces where information was missing like, how did everyone die and what was happening in the world. In the end, it was a very close tie but I did enjoy the feature film more. I believe it was more attention-grabbing because of the dialogue. I was able to interpret the conversations and feel the emotions they felt. In the end, I was more connected to the feature film than the short. Both were very well out together and had great plots. Though the plots were very similar they were different in some places. This is because of the mass about of detail the feature film had.

Research 9, the feature film.

Hello everyone today is the day that I watched nine feature films for the first time. After watching the short film I was so excited to watch the featured film. Little did I know that I would love it even more than the short film. My first impression of this was how much I liked seeing him adventure to find the number 2. I loved watching him get his voice and seeing him speak for the first time. The beginning was 9 realizing he was alone and leaving the house to go outside and investigate 2. Things start to rise when he and five want to go look for 2. The climax of everything was when 2 died due to the robot spider dog. They made it their mission to kill all the robots. In the end, everyone was dead except for 9, 3,4, and 7. The director adding dialogue gave it even more of an emotional connection to each character. He made sure that we knew how every character died and their last words. This was what really got me in the movie, I don't really like when I have to watch characters I get attached to die. I think in this movie more than one character had a big development. The twins went from being anti-social to interacting. 7 went from working alone to working with others. 9 went from not trusting anyone to trusting the group. 1 went from being selfish to being selfless and giving his life instead of nines. As the characters developed they all got better at teamwork and in the end, this is what helped them defeat the robots. They saved the world and freed the souls of their friends in the end. Overall I really enjoyed this movie and it was one of the best movies I watch in a while extremely cute and I may or may have not teared up.

research 9 short


Hello everyone today I will be telling you about my first impression and thoughts about the short film 9. 9 is a 7-minute computer-animated short made in 2005 by Shane Acker.  My first impression of this short was that it was weird. I didn't get it and the fact that there were no words left me confused. But I watched it twice and took a break a let it sink in and it all clicked after the second time. I went through so many emotions with this little hacky sack looking thing. In the beginning, the 9 was in a memory of the last time he was with 5. Then things start to rise when the evil robot kills five. The climax was when 9 decided to take charge and get revenge for his whole family. He sets a trap and runs all around this place with the robot chasing him. Then in the end the robot thinks he cornered 9. This is where he was wrong and 9 pulled out one last trick and lifted the mattress that was holding the stick up which caused the robot to fall to its death. My favorite part about this whole film has to be the character development of 9. In the beginning, he is looking around a thing and ran when the robot came. He was scared and didn't know what to do besides run away and hide. By the end, he was stronger and smarted and he went to fight his demons. He didn't back down even when he was facing death. Once this ended he put the ball together and let his families spirits out. The director choosing to put no dialogue in the movie was truly a very broad choice. But I do think it was a very smart one. It was almost like the actions that happened played the story better than any conversation could. Overall this short was really great and i cant wait to watch 9 the movie.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

My genre choice is......

 The moment you have all been waiting for... we have come to the decision that we will be making an action movie! Although I was very close to picking sci-fi I really felt like action fit way better. with sci-fi, i could really explore and do a lot of cool things for the short film. But when it came down to it we didn't want to change our pitch because we really liked it. I was really drawn to this genre because of how much it could bring to the film. We can bring lots of different aspects to the film making it exciting and engaging. I was inspired to do an action movie from all the action movies I have been watching over the corona. This also won't be too much of a tweak from our original film pitch which is great. I hope this project is the best one we will ever do! i am beyond excited to get through this and make an amazing movie.

genre research action

Today I will be telling you about the genre action. I will first be telling you about the C.A.M.S of action. The common camera angles of action are high angle low angle, dutch. The Movements and shots are track, two shot, three-shot, pan, tilt. Editing used in action are action match, eye-line match, cutaway, shot reverse shot, jump cut. Finally, the sounds are diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound, dialogue, and voice over. The next thing I will be telling you about is C.L.A.M.P.S. C.L.A.M.P.S is costumes,lighting,makeup,props and scenery.Most of the time in action costumes are made to look like leather and high fashion but are made out of fabrics that make it easy to move around in and usually made for running in and action parts. The lighting in these films are usually outside lighting more close to the sun then regular studio lighting.The acting in these films is very emotionally filled, tears are common and anger is usually a very big impact on the actions of the characters. There's almost always some traumatic event that happens and causes this overload of emotion in a person like a loved one being killed and the person goes on a car chase to get the killer. The makeup in action movies is little to nothing. But There is special effect makeup done for the cuts and bruises on the actors. The common props that are in action movies are cars, guns, knives, and motorcycles. For the scenery, here's a lot of scenes on the road, outside, tops of buildings, and inside buildings. Some examples of this genre are fast and furious,endgame,greyhound.Some elements of the genres that I really likes are the stunts that happen like jumping off of a roof or racing cars. One thing that I don't like that is really common in action are when people die. Action movies in my opinion are the most attention-grabbing genres


genre research sci-fi

In this blog, I will be telling you about the research I have conducted on the genre sci-fi. I will be explaining the C.A.M.S first. The C (Camera angles) consist of two shot, low angle, mid-shot, aerial shot. Next up is movement and shots and these are track, zoom, tilt, long shot. Common edits are action match, eyeliner match,fade in, fade out. Finally sounds used in a sci-fi movie are diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound, dialogue, and voice over. The next acronym we will be discussing is C.L.A.M.P.S. This stands for costumes, lighting, acting, makeup, props, and setting. In sci-fi movies, t is a very wide range of costumes depending on the character. All in one movie there can be regular dressed people, superheroes, aliens, nd literally anything you could ever imagine. Lighting is also something that can have a very wide range. This can very easily go from led lights in a studio to the sun when filming outside. The acting in sci-fi movies is very over the top. They do and say things that you most likely wouldn't see in other type of movie. Like when would you ever here someone screaming there's a giant alien trying to eat them! Makeup is my favorite part of sci-fi movies. Unlike other movies you can get so creative with the makeup, Face painting gory makeup all the works then it can also be as simple as just regular everyday makeup. Some props that are commonly seen in these movies are cars, spaceships,swoards,weapons, and supernatural powers. Lastly some settings from these movies can be on different planets, space, inside and outside buildings, in the air, underground basically anywhere. The things I like about sci-fi is that it can be so many different things. Theres no limit to your imagination and you can make up the craziest ideas. But this is also something I don't like because you can do so many things it can be hard to make an original movie when so many have been done.

 .Example films of sci-fi-the new mutant, the invisable man, dune.



genre research drama

The last genre i will be researching will be drama. Drama is a very weird genre. The way the movie is scripted and filmed can either make it or break it which is why not every drama movie is a home run. You know what time it is let's get through those C.A.M.S! A very common angle to film from is full body and eye level. This keeps the attention on the main characters and not the background. Some movements and shots used are a long shot, over the shoulder, two shot, three-shot, mid-shot, and close up. The editing for drama is action match, jump cut, split-screen. finally, for C.A.M.S, the sounds used are dietetic sound, non-diegetic sound, voice-over, and dialogue. Now let's get on with the C.L.A.M.P.S. .Costumes are something that really depends on the setting of the drama movies. For example, if it was about a highschool girl, they would be wearing uniforms or dress code-appropriate stuff. But if the setting was at a workplace it would be professional wear.There's a lot of crying and fighting in drama movies. There's also a lot of mushy-gushy love.The makeup in the drama is very minimal unless it has to do with maybe a bruised eye from a fight scene or a bloody nose. Some very common props in these movies are cars and phones. Although almost anything can be used as a prop in a drama movie. Drama movies typically take place in schools like highschool or in colleges. But movies with older cast members can take place at a workplace or a home. For me as I said before drama is a very make it or break it genre. What I like about drama is how much emotion goes into them and how some people can relate to the situations that are happening in them. This makes it great for someone to connect and engage with a character. The things I don't like about some drama movies are how they can be too emotional. Sometimes there's just too many tears and the audience can get really bored or overwhelmed with how much emotion there is.


   Examples of drama movies-

godfather,titanic, lord of the rings.


Monday, October 5, 2020

genres i would like to research!

  Today I will be telling you about the three genres I would like to research. I will research drama, sci-fi,and action. I will be researching these genres to find out how my short film should be labeled.