Tuesday, January 12, 2021

My Critical Reflection

 1.How do your products represent social groups or issues?

    My product represents two different social group and a social issue. The first of the two social groups is the scientific group. The character Lana is a scientist who works in a government lab. Her character is based on someone who likes to know the science and math behind everything. Basically, she wants to find the whole factual truth. This represents a big group of people in this world. In fact, is represents not only the scientist already in the field but people who want to pursue a life of factual evidence and theories. The[SAS<1]  second of the two groups is the reporter side. The other main character in this film is named Jessica, she is reporter. As you may know not all stories that are reported are 100 percent true. In fact, sometimes there are details put into stories that were not there before. They do this to catch readers attention. They can do this by putting outrageous titles to stories or details in the story. So as you can see these are two different types of groups being represented through one movie. There’s the more factual side that’s based on science. Then there the more adventurous side that’s based on some fact and some fake. My movie brings these two separate groups together by having two characters from each side. But even though they have different interest they are still able to get along and live with each other. Even help each other with their work. This all ties into the issue which is difference between people. All people can work together as long as they are working towards a goal of success.

 2.How do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of ‘branding’?

To start off our movie was kind of a scifi-horror. So when branding we decided to make the movie scary looking to draw in the bigger crowd. Because ourt movie had so many similar elements to it , it was easy to work and make a brand out of it.Branding takes a lot of research. Not only is it a precise science its hard to accomplish. When branding you cannot just post whatever you want and call it a day. Its almost like a science. Actually, it is a science! Branding is using persuasive methods to draw in crowds of people. When you brand a certain way you can attract people to whatever you are branding, cool posters or flashy things like bright colors or toys like action figures can pull people in and make their brains obsessed with it. As being new to the branding world it took lots of research to get the point where I am now. Branding has been a long journey but with the research and examples I have seen I was ready to brand for myself. The start was getting the platforms to brand on. The platforms we branded on were Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. YouTube was the easiest to brand on because it was going to be the movie sections. YouTube is where we posted our actual movie. But for everything else it was very different. Instagram twitter and facebook were the parts that took the longest to figure out because there wasn’t going to be just one post on them, There was going to many that drew in the crowds and promoted our movie.

3.How do your products engage with the audience?

My product engages with my audience in many different ways. The beginning of the movie starts off with two people in completely different field of work yet still brought together because of their friendship. When people see this, it evokes emotions in them. And could even trigger ideas that even if people are different you can still get along and bring each other up. One could become very engaged with the friendship that the two main characters have and want to have that with someone else. The rest of the movie the movie is full of surprises and gasps which will bring the attention all to the screen when it is being watched. The movie will keep the watchers on the edge of their seats and on their toes. The movie overall shows the more serious side to the products. It is professionally made and has a horror theme to it. It a serious movie and doesn’t have jokes in it so its not supposed to be funny or uplifting. This is seriously different to the products on our social media pages. This is where we showed the funny out takes. Funny pictures silly videos. This is the place for them. With our social media pages people will more likely be to connect better with it because it isn’t so serious. Its meant to be uplifting and funny to draw people in. Seeing the two different sides of the people who play the character gives another way for the audience to engage. They get to follow the storyline of out movie lives while also seeing behind the scenes and how our personalities really are.

 4. How did your research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions?

 For this movie, there was a lot of research done in the field of science, reporting and branding, and horror films. First up was the way that the movie would challenge regular conventions. In this day and age, everyone has their groups where they stick to people who are just like them and have the same likes and dislikes. People are naturally attracted to people just like them. The reason our movie challenges this is because we have two people from two completely different worlds coming together and helping each other succeed. When researching we saw that people tend to stay in groups and not venture out. This is where people are wrong and should learn from the movie. Being friends and make small talk with new people can help you. In the movie, you see that Jessica was having a hard time finding a good story. But with the luck of her having such a good friend she had a small talk with Lana and figured out a way she could get a good story and help Lana at the same time. One way that we used conventions was when we wrote about the government keeping secrets from everyone. As we know lots of things are kept under wraps by the governments to keep the world safe. In our movie, we related to this. We put in the part where the FBI agent comes in after tracking down the dose of an immortal potion made by Jessica and Lana. They come and retrieve the girls and take them away because they cannot be kept in the outside world anymore because it is not safe. This is how we used and challenged conventions.

My short film package

                                                            The debt to immortality

The debt to immortality



Friday, January 8, 2021

Editing everything

 Welcome my fellow readers! As you know, yesterday was our filming blog. We talked all about our filming experience. An even a little bit about the scenes that we were going to edit. For this blog we'll be talking about everything that needs to be edited. This includes the bloopers for our social media. The movie itself and the pictures for the website. Also the editing of the titles and placement of the titles. For example we have chosen our titles names and the way they will be presented. The font will be black and bold so you can see it. The titles will end by the 2 minutes mark in the movie. The opening scene will be the name of our studio. The next will be the same of our production company. After that the names of the actors will be listed as they are showed. Then the filmed by then music by and edited by. The rest are produced  by, story by, written by and directed by. The movie has almost Been completely edited. We started off the process with going through all the clips. But we started by each scene. So we would watch all the clips that we shot for a specific scene then we would go through and pick our favourites. When we did this we made many different versions of the movie. Then picked out the best clips and made our final movie. For the rest of the editing process which will be the website we will be editing that Saturday. See you next time!!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

The start and the end of filming.


Hello my fellow readers! I am so glad to finally announce that we have concluded filming. Sunday January 3 we had our first day of filming. Not only was this our first day but it was our last. As you know we had many many many complications throughout the process of trying to film our movie. The biggest one being the fact that me and my partner were both exposed to somebody with covid. Thankfully on our lucky stars neither of us contracted the virus. But we still made sure to keep super clean and careful of what we touch so we could be super safe while filming. We made sure to stay 6 feet apart when we could and wear masks when it was possible. There was a complication with the times so we ended up filming from 2 to 6 instead. But this ended up being more than enough time to get our movie done. and have plenty of bloopers for our website and our media channels. I know you guys are excited and probably want to see and I promise you will see later.For now you would just have to wait. Tomorrow will be the start of editing and through the weekend we will finish editing and posting on our social medias bloopers and funny pictures and small clips from the movie. I have to say that my favorite part of shooting the movie was definitely the FBI scene. We had so many laughs While our FBI agent was taking us out of the hospital. then putting us in the car after we were arrested. We also found some cool ways to make it look really professional from home. Like using white sheets to cover up walls. We even dragged a desk and completely cleared it off into the middle of a room and put white sheets. This was all up so it would look like we were in a clear room for the science lab . We shot the scene a couple different times .also in a couple different ways.just so we would have options of which scenes get put into the movie and which ones don't. We did this for a lot of our scenes so we had lots of choices and wouldn't have to reshoot . I'll see you in the next blog when we're editing