Friday, March 20, 2020

film blog: whats gonna happen?

   Hello everyone, this is the last filming blog I will be doing for a while so let's make it the best. As I told you before we are under quarantine by our parents and are not allowed to leave our houses. We were supposed to get together to film our ccr and complete this project. A lot of things are getting in the way of us finishing this project and it's getting harder and harder to complete it. Since we have no way of coming together to make this ccr final easy for us we had to put our heads together and think of a way to complete it with everyone playing an equal part in it. We all sat and texted for a bit trying our different ideas but most of them all ended in someone doing more than the other. Or all of us having to do it separated and that wasn't working either. THis ccr is different from the others we have done in the past. We have done powerpoints and blogs ccr but we have never done a filming style before. We have chosen to do it like a talk show. Making as if we were called on to a show like the tonight show with jimmy falon and he was asking us questions about our new an dup coming film. The only bad part is that we can't be together and we won't have common backgrounds because not all of us have the same painted color walls in our house. But we will try to get at least neutral colors in the background. So our idea is we all get on facetime and answer the questions altogether making sure that the response to the questions is at least 4 minutes. Then after wards, we choose who wants to talk about the questions. And finnally becayse there is only three of us whoever has the least amount of time on there part of the question will do the final 4th questions. Then we willl get back on facetime and edit them together.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

editting blog; the world is under attack we cant be together

 Good afternoon everyone. As of today, the world we live in is being attacked by this virus that is corrupting humans as we speak. All of us knew that the virus was bad but I don't think anyone anticipated it being this bad. We were about to end the third quarter when we were uprooted from school and had to be on early leave. Though most found this break an advantage to have fun I did not. I was more worried in fact than anything. The students didn't take the time to realize that something has to be extremely worrisome to cancel schools almost worldwide. This is going to really affect the way we could get together and go over our films and blog together. Also, this virus will directly affect the films that are currently being shot all over the world. It's crazy to think that this world has gone to mess so quick. Everything just stopped. People completely being irrational buying 18 tons of milk and 100 rolls of toilet paper and napkins. I think it's ridiculous that people lose their state of mind in an emergency. The worst thing to do in an emergency state it to freak out and go crazy. AT first, I forgot to go by this rule and it is what saved me from getting an f. I and many of my friends are on house lockdown due to the virus and our parents. I was going crazy thinking about how I was gonna get an f. How we weren't gonna be able to do the ccr. All because we weren't together and could be together. But then it hit me, we live in a day and age where everything is digital and we could make anything work as long as we tried our hardest. So e all went through the reflection question and currently, we are coming up with our answers as I'm writing this. I'll tell you the rest in the next blog see you later.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


                    Hello, everyone, I hope your day was well. As you know it is time for re-editing and finishing the film up. From what I told you last time we took the time to go over all of the films and cut it up piece by piece. I can say that it probably the best idea that our group has ever come up with. Using smaller pieces to edit was simpler. Basically, in the beginning, we took all the videos and put them together and just kinda merged them. Obviously, that leads to some very choppy bits. That's not very smart of us and I couldn't believe that we didn't think of it before that happened. I'm glad that we caught our mistakes the second time around. Its so hard to catch our own mistakes when you want your film to be the best. But we stuck to it and really went hard on ourselves to find our mistakes and become even better. The first thing we did was go clip by clip. We even went as far as going through all of our shots again. We ddint end up picking any new shots because we thought that the ones that we picked were the best ones. Since we got the best shots picked we put in one at a time. So we started off with the opening scene and first established the title that was gonna be on it. Then we cut out the sound and so you couldn't hear the loud background. Then we took the time to cut off the extra from the start of the video. Then we would watch over and over a couple times to make sure it was the right speed. Once we slowed down and made the video faster we would watch it again. Then finally we cut the extra end off and watch it one last time. Once it was to our liking we would go to the next clip. We pretty much followed all the steps for each clip. But for some of them, we had to add music or even add background sound. Then in some cases, we didn't have to cut the sound. But most of the time we had to make the clips really fast to fit into the 2 minutes

Monday, March 9, 2020

re-filming Lets hope for the best

hey, world, so last week as you know we finished getting peer-reviewed and it went really well. The person who reviewed us and they didn't have any complaints about our film having to do with the way we filmed. In fact, they didn't really say anything about our film being bad. I wish we could have had a lot more people review our film because we would have many different opinions of our film. I had trouble as so did anyiah and lily critiquing our own film. We want our film to be the best but it is hard to not be biased whne you are the maker of your own project. So we really sat down and went through the film piece by piece. We started going through each type of angle that came up and decided whether or nt we wanted to re-film or re-edit. In all honest,y i had to pretend that our film was someone elses to get the best critisism i could get. We infact got oneof our other friends from the class to watch the film piece by pice with us so she could keep us on th right path of beiung objective.
  I guess this leaves this blog to say that we will not be doing any re-filimg because we think the shots we got in captured our ideas perfectly. The sound and the angles and the movements were great and dont need to be fixed.  So we sat and went over the film for the whole class. We all wrote down notes. Then we shared them with eachother. It was the best way we could get to the conclusion of what needed to be re-filmed or re-edited. Once we all read out loud we took a vote on what we all thought needed the most work. The biggest descion that came out of this was the fact that we all agreed we didnt need to re-film anything. That was something we agreed with our peer editor. What we didnt agree with was that the film wasnt choppy. We all agreed that there needed to be some serious changes to the editing for it to go smoothly. That led us to get all the shots togther and figure out how we want to proceed editng better. I will keep you updated with more editing an filming blogs.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

peer reveiw

     We have come a long way in this filming process. we have come to the point of peer review now that we have finished our first filming and editing session we have to give our film to someone random and have them review it. Then we got someone random to review. We got group ten which was all girls. They seemed really nice and excited about their film. I ask myself as a filmmaker what was it that I really enjoyed watching this film. By farIi have to say it was the acting. I don't know these girls personally but they sure can act. The crying, in the beginning, was so good and pulled me in. It wasn't too over the top where it was cringy to watch. Yet it wasn't too lazy to the point where I lost interest it was perfect and created an overall better starting. It personally made me more interested in watching to see more. I very much enjoyed the acting skills of these girls and hope that they can fix some of the mistakes they made to make it better.
  Though the acting was great and pulled me in it was a little hard to follow at first. After she cries it is hard to figure out what exactly is going on and what happened to make her cry. From my group's understanding, she killed a close friend and was crying because she felt guilty. We assumed that the rest of the film was her mind going through memoried made with the person she killed. However, assuming this I couldn't figure out whether it was the husband or the best friend she killed. It took us a while to figure out that the rest of the film was her memories but we caught on after the fifth or sixth time watching. Along with watching this many times, we saw some angles and shots that weren't incorporated that could have made some of the scenes better than they were. Below is the sheet that I wrote out for the peer review.