Thursday, March 5, 2020

peer reveiw

     We have come a long way in this filming process. we have come to the point of peer review now that we have finished our first filming and editing session we have to give our film to someone random and have them review it. Then we got someone random to review. We got group ten which was all girls. They seemed really nice and excited about their film. I ask myself as a filmmaker what was it that I really enjoyed watching this film. By farIi have to say it was the acting. I don't know these girls personally but they sure can act. The crying, in the beginning, was so good and pulled me in. It wasn't too over the top where it was cringy to watch. Yet it wasn't too lazy to the point where I lost interest it was perfect and created an overall better starting. It personally made me more interested in watching to see more. I very much enjoyed the acting skills of these girls and hope that they can fix some of the mistakes they made to make it better.
  Though the acting was great and pulled me in it was a little hard to follow at first. After she cries it is hard to figure out what exactly is going on and what happened to make her cry. From my group's understanding, she killed a close friend and was crying because she felt guilty. We assumed that the rest of the film was her mind going through memoried made with the person she killed. However, assuming this I couldn't figure out whether it was the husband or the best friend she killed. It took us a while to figure out that the rest of the film was her memories but we caught on after the fifth or sixth time watching. Along with watching this many times, we saw some angles and shots that weren't incorporated that could have made some of the scenes better than they were. Below is the sheet that I wrote out for the peer review.

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