Thursday, December 31, 2020

The new plan for filming.


Hello my fellow readers. Today we will be talking about the new filming plan. We did not know if we were filming separately or not. But today we will be talking about the plan for if we are able to get together. First, we will be taking the safety precaution. Everyone will be required to wear masks as we film. The only exception will be for those who are on camera. Secondly we are planning on filming either Sunday January 3 or Sunday January 10th. This is all depending on when everyone will be available. We will be filming from the morning all the way into the night. So this will probably be 9 in the morning to 6 at night. We wont be filming in order of the shots. We will be filming in order of the time of day. So the first shot we will film will be the onethat is the girl coming down the stairs first thing in the morning as they are going to work. Then we will film the scene getting into the car. We will change locations to outside and film the part where the girl collapse and goes to the hospital. Then we will film all the rest of the scenes as the light goes by in the day. Finally when its dark outside we will film the first. This one takes place in the middle of the night at the dining room table and needs to be shot when its dark outside.

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