Monday, December 28, 2020

Film Day one fail

Hello my fellow readers!! Today was a complete FAIL!! Today has been one of the ost stressful days ever. Sadly today was supposed ti be our first day of filming all together will all the cast here and it aslll went down hill from this moring. At 10 o'clock this morning we were supposed to all meet at my house for the first day of filming and probably the last if all went well. We planned thiws for about two weeks in advanced and corona once again ruined things. Not one but both me and my partner came in contact with people who had been diagnosed with covid. We have both been in isolation for about a week and a half and both have gotten tested once. For about the the last week and a half we have been correcting and perfecting our coustumes and our acting. We have about three dayas more in quarntine. After this three day period we will be getting tested once again and then replanning a date to film and have the final product done. Crossing our fingers that neither of us have covid because that could be really bad and leave us falling behind on our schedule for filming and editing. Hopefully with this extra time we have got from winter break we will not have to re shoot. BUt it still might happen because not everything is perfect the first time. But anyways we have gone through and properly given our characters some defined details. Like fro example we planned out what our charcaters would wear and kinda got outfits ready for them. Also we practiced how they would sound and how they will react facially and how we will put emtion into it. So far we arent to far behind our schedule adn we should catch up oretty fast. It was really sad that we couldnt film and we couldnt edit out final or final product. But we will soon and when we do it will be amazing and go super smooth.

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