Saturday, February 15, 2020

filming blog; hard to get everyone together

 Hey, world its Stephanie again. This is the first weekend we have gotten to have time to film and wouldn't have been a great one. The weekend started off nice and bright and perfect conditions to film. But as time past through Friday things started to change. The weather took a turn for the worst. It was gloomy and the sun was hidden behind dark rainy clouds. If only we could have had time Friday morning to start the filming process. I know you guys don't know this but since the school we go to is a magnet school we have the chance to come from all over Broward county to attend the school. Living so far apart makes it hard to come together often to film and work on projects. I live in planation, Lily lives in Hollywood, and I believe Aniyah lives in pompano. We live about 30 minutes away. However, I am kinda in the middle of both Aniyah and Lily. We although always make time for each other and come together and film. That's why we make such great partners we do anything for each other and help each other out when we need it. We will make time one of these three weekends to film. We always come together and when we do, we will make the best film we possibly can. I am kinda upset that we couldn't get together this weekend though. It is a long weekend in fact it is a five day weekend. We tried to get together but our schedules just weren't going together this weekend. We probably couldn't have filmed anything outside though because of the rain. But maybe we could have been able to film the parts that are inside. Anyways here is a picture of the sunset after it rained.

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